Why Invest in Your Personal Style

Finding your personal style isn't just personally, curating a wardrobe or about the latest fashion or what looks nice. It’s about how you feel, who you are and who you want to be. It isn’t just clothes you’re wearing, it’s a representation of the person you are. Not only can you show who you are to the world, it’s a way — to optimize your life. Why, you ask? When you define the pieces you want in your wardrobe, you’ll be wasting less money and less time. Here’s what you need to know about why investing in your personal style will optimize your life!!
// IT SAVES YOU TIME It’ll save you time in the morning when you get dressed, it’ll save you time you otherwise might have spend aimlessly shopping and it’ll save you time explaining who you are. Okay, the last one might not be a 100% true but the impression you make in the first two seconds when meeting someone new are crucial. So you better look and feel your best. And you know what you can do with all the time you’re saving not making rushed fashion decisions? You can finally work on that project you’ve always wanted to work on or enjoy some peace and coffee in the morning. Read a book instead of deciding between which blazer to wear to work. You can do more. While looking totally put together. Win-win if you ask me.
// BUYING LESS, SAVING MORE Another big upside to investing in a personal style: you save money. If you know what your personal style is and the items you still need to curate into your wardrobe, your less likely to spend your money on items you don’t need or grow bored of within the month (I confess that this has happened to me). I’m not saying that it will never happen but the chances are very slim of it happening. To make even better decisions, make a list every season with items you need and want to add to your curated wardrobe. And all the money you aren’t wasting can go to that big trip you’ve always wanted to go on, buy a new interior piece or you can save it up.
// A RECOGNIZABLE STYLE WILL MAKE YOU STAND OUT It really does. By the way, this doesn’t mean you have to dress all crazy and be out there. It can be done with very simple pieces but you have to make them your own. Mix high street with designer accessories — my personal favorite, especially bags — or mix two different styles together. I like to mix classical or feminine pieces with items that have more of an edgy vibe Another thing I go crazy for are quirky accessories. I’m obsessed!).
Others will notice you and your business and YOU!!!
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