Behind the Scenes of a Beauty/Fashion Shoot

Recently I worked on a Beauty shoot as the head fashion stylist and creative director . I had to ensure that everything we needed was on hand for the visual part of the shoot, not to mention all the clothing and accessories for the models. I came up with the concept of a denim feel with hints of black here and their. The focus was on the beuaty, but the fashion was just as important . The look and feel I was going for was your classic All American, showcasing how women of all different nationalities and races can wear the beauty product. Everyone was fun to work with and very professional. Yes, we did fool around here and their but for the most part it was a hard days worth of work. So for this shoot, it was a L-O-N-G day. Call time was 7 am and we ended around 4ish by the time everything was completly wrapped up.

The photographer's had to set up their lights and they helped with some of the backdrop, I was busy getting the product set up making sure everything looked visually perfect, I then took all the clothes out of my luggage , and laid out the accessories. I also had to steam all the clothing. As the models trickled in, I would try to match up what would look best on who. As, I was doing my thing, the makeup artist was applying her magic and transforming them to these natural beauties. Not to mention she also did their hair. We had four models on hand, so with so many girls, the day was long to shoot them, as this was more of an individual campaign.
We did some interviews at the end of the shoot on the product and then we called it day. PHEW!! I have to say, its a lot of hard work, but I love being in this element. I couldn't do this ,though without the support of my family. I had to be away from them during the weekend, , and I come home exhausted, but I do come home happy and because of that my family is so proud of me. As I always say it takes BALANCE to make it all work.